Lake Louise to Calgary

December 01, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

We left Lake Louise with some regret as we needed more time to explore, heading for Banff and then down onto flat country and Calgary.

We stopped at a few lakes hidden in the trees, unsuccessfully searched for a moose that was apparently in the area and dodged other tourists.

We met two recently married Japanese couples in a car park who arrived to be photographed. I thought the juxtaposition of balloons in aspens was just right.

We had a fairly quick look around Banff and visited the iconic Banff Springs hotel, also owned by Fairmont. The hotel has a fantastic lookout over the Bow river and surrounding mountains.

We came off the mountains through Kananaskis onto flat country towards Calgary.

We made our way to our Airbnb accommodation in central Calgary around evening rush hour a rather stressful exercise when driving on the ‘other’ side of the road. Canada must be one of the few ex British colonies driving on the right side of the road.

We caught up with our Kalowna friends again, with the highlight of our stay being a visit to the pro – rodeo finals (not the Stampede which occurs earlier in the year). And it snowed lightly.

We flew from Calgary to Heathrow and after a quick catch up with Danni flew to Lisbon for the next leg of our adventure.


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