Jasper to Lake Louise

November 12, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

 We left our cabin near Jasper, heading south along route 93, otherwise known as the Icefields Pathway. 

We visited both the Athabasca and Sunwapta falls en-route. 

It was a clear crisp day, the milky blue Athabasca River and mountains ranges to our right.

We stopped at the Athabasca Glacier, the most visited glacier in North America. It is easy to walk to but is receding about 5 metres /year. I guess it will take longer to walk there next time!

We meandered through the magnificent scenery, including some outstanding road panoramas, until we reached the small town of Lake Louise where we stayed for two nights. En – route we saw the best way to dry your socks!

From here we visited the well-known Lake Louise, with the famous Chateau Lake Louise hotel (Fairmont) at its head.

The next morning we got up early and headed for Moraine Lake to watch the sunrise over the peaks surrounding the water. It was cold and hazardous climbing the pile of glacial debris (moraine) for a photographic vantage point.

Later that day we watched a train move through the spiral tunnels of Kicking Horse Pass in the Yoho National Park, completed in 1909. It is a true feat of engineering: two vast tunnels running figure-eight loops through the mountains to enable the train to negotiate the incline.

We went back to Lake Louise, where Jen photographed the view of the lake from the hotel dining room.

On the way to watch the sunset over Emerald Lake, we discovered the Takakkaw waterfall. 


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